Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Air Force requested $30M to develop a ‘cyber carrier’

Much like traditional military capabilities have platforms from which to launch attacks, Cyber Command and the services’ cyber components need a comparable platform.

This effort underway is called the unified platform, which some have equated to a “cyber carrier,” and the Department of Defense’s budget request for fiscal 2019 describes a plan to develop such a program.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Cybercrime is on the rise - Rise to the challenge

Because of the threat to online safety and national security, cyber security specialists are needed on a large scale to help combat everything from terror attacks to financial disasters. If you think you have the stuff to help prevent and predict these attacks, why not begin investigating cyber security education programs specially designed to help you succeed in this in-demand field?

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Cybersecurity Conferences in Israel 2017 – 2018

Why Is Israel Such A Major Player in Cybersecurity?

Everyone working in Cybersecurity will agree that Israel is a big player with regards to pioneering and implementing Information IT Security. Period.

Point in case: Israel has the world’s second-largest cyber market, second only to the United States.

The obvious answer why Israel is a heavy-hitter in the Cybersecurity Conference scene as well as in the Global Industry is because of the necessity they have to protect themselves.

The State of Israel has had to be continually vigilant to handle enemies and cyber threats, and, hardly surprising, protecting Israel is an ongoing major focus of Israeli governmental strategy. As a result, the Israeli military invests places significant investment in computing technologies, particularly in the intelligence branches and within cyberterrorism. For those that are interested in the Israeli Governments drive to counter cyberterror go ahead and take a look at Israel’s legendary elite cyber intelligence unit: 8200.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Get the Ultimate 2018 Hacker Bundle – Pay What You Want

Due to the growing number of threats in the computer world, ethical hackers have become the most important player for not only governments but also private companies and IT firms in order to safeguard their systems and networks from hackers trying to infiltrate them.

By 2020, employment in all information technology occupations is expected to increase by 22 percent, where demand for ethical hackers and IT security engineers will be the strongest. So, it's high time that you should start preparing yourself in the field of ethical hacking.

HSE finds recruiting cyber security staff 'difficult'

The Health Service Executive has said it is "especially difficult" to recruit cyber security staff right now because of the compet...